Camel Pose is one of my favorite backbends. When you’re first starting out, it can be quite intense, so read on below for a few ways to modify until you’re ready for the full expression. The most important things to remember in camel pose are to keep your hips over your knees and think […]
Posts Tagged ‘Colorescience’
#MermaidYogis Day 20: Childs Pose
Oooooh yes! Child’s pose. Not much to explain here, except how delish it is. Let day 20 of #MermaidYogis give you a little respite after some major backbending, and invite you to equalize before wrapping up the challenge with a week of inversions! Childs Pose: Begin kneeling. Draw your knees wide and big toes […]
#MermaidYogis Day 19: Bow Pose
Ready to gain flexibility in all parts of the spine, and give a gentle massage to all your internal organs? Day 19 of #MermaidYogis is bow pose, or dhanurasana. Bow Pose: Begin lying prone (on belly). Bend both knees and reach back to take hold of tops of the feet or ankles. Exhale, release […]
#MermaidYogis Day 18: Cobra
Cobra pose is easily the most underrated backbend, in my humble opinion. This backbend-meets-chest opener is a beautiful way to stretch the chest while strengthening the shoulders and arms. Cobra Pose: Begin in a prone position, lying on the belly with hands palms down beneath the shoulders. Hug elbows into the ribcage. Inhale and […]
#MermaidYogis Day 17: Standing Backbend
This simple standing backbend can be practiced on your feet, or on your knees. You can make it dynamic, inhaling to reach up, and exhaling to arch back and draw elbows to the earth – we call these “whale spouts.” Standing Backbend: Stand or kneel with feet hip distance apart or slightly narrower. Inhale […]
#MermaidYogis Day 16: Standing Mermaid
First, a disclaimer: this pose requires a great amount of patience, flexibility, strength, and openness in the body. It should not be practiced without warming up the entire body, and even then may be too intense. If it doesn’t feel accessible, skip it! You can express today’s pose as any variation of a one leg […]
#MermaidYogis Day 15: Dancer’s Pose
Dancer’s pose captures the grace and power of Nataraj, an incarnation of Shiva as the cosmic dancer. Find strength, flexibility, and steadiness in this balancing backbend. If you’re unsure about grabbing your foot, use a strap and a wall to access this pose. Dancer’s Pose: Modified dancer’s pose with strap and wall. Make a […]
#MermaidYogis Day 14: Eagle Arm Warrior 3
Hybrid postures like this eagle arm warrior 3 allow us to double up on stretching and strengthening by combining the benefits of two poses into one! If you find it challenging to bind your arms, simply hold onto opposite shoulders instead, or feel free to express a classic warrior 3. Warrior 3 Variations: Classic […]
#MermaidYogis Day 13: Sugar Cane Pose
Hellooooo, hamstrings! Day 13 of #MermaidYogis is sugar cane pose, ardha chandra chapasana. It can look intimidating, but with a wall and a strap, there’s nothing we can’t do! Make sure that you warm the body before working on this posture. Sun salutations are our friends. Sugar Cane Pose: Modified with block, wall, and […]
#MermaidYogis Day 12: Mermaid Pose
What kind of #MermaidYogis challenge would this be without a few variations of mermaid pose? Before you go diving all Ariel-style into this backbending hip opener, please take your time and warm up with at least five or six rounds of sun salutations, and a nice juicy minute or two in pigeon or sleeping pigeon. […]