Desert Daze #fortheloveofyoga

… A desert is a place without expectation.

As we drove through the dark night, I looked up at the waning moon and wondered idly if this desert trip to shoot for the yoga project at 4am was really the best idea. Caffeinated yet bleary eyed, fueled by Perfect bars and coffee, I stared blankly at the passing landscape and hoped we’d chosen wisely for the morning shoot.

We arrived at our destination with only a few minutes to spare and a glow peeking over the horizon. Jen unrolled her blanket and mat, and cautioned me to beware the teddy bear chollas that dotted the desert valley.

“Ouch,” was my reply from my downward facing dog. After two hours in the car, I just wanted a little stretch, but got a handful more than I bargained for when one of the delicate cholla cactus needles lodged itself deep in my palm.

“OW!” A cry from a few yards away let us know that Ryan, one of our camera crew, had also gotten up close and friendly with the not-so-cuddly chollas.ryan cholla

Standing up, I nursed my wound by sucking on my hand, trying to draw the needle out. No luck. “Let’s do this,” I said.

As the sun rose over the mountains, Jen stood tall and beat a wild rhythm on her drum. Shades of red, orange, and gold enticed us with their glory as first light crept over the land. The drum drew me into its sound, and it continued to reverberate as she began to flow. Cameras rolling, we watched as Jen moved, and the magic of desert yoga met us breath by breath.

Jen Desert Daze Stoked Yogi

We went with no expectation, and we left with great reward. The beauty and magic of a masterpiece of nature, painted across the sky and then dissolved into the light of day.desert collage

Not all who wander are lost.




Boots by Juil
Dress by Billabong
Yoga/Drumming by Walk Wildly  (psst… visit her site to see a picture of me sniffing a tree)


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