Posts Tagged ‘handstand’

#MermaidYogis Day 27 Handstand

#MermaidYogis Day 27 Handstand

Posted on: August 26th, 2015 by Amelia

Oh handstand, you and I have a fickle relationship. Some days we get along, some days we don’t. I’m learning to accept it as it comes, and not try to force you to be here when you don’t want to be. If handstand is nowhere in sight for you, please feel free to modify with […]

#MermaidYogis Day 26 Handstand Prep

#MermaidYogis Day 26 Handstand Prep

Posted on: August 25th, 2015 by Amelia

Ready to work towards handstand? Yes? Great! Today’s pose, handstand prep with the wall, will help us build strength in the upper body and find the core engagement we need to stay up in a handstand. Not ready at all? That’s ok too! Feel free to flip this pose upside down, and take a seated […]