Posts Tagged ‘skinny’

Make Peace With Your Body… Or It Might Kill You.

Posted on: August 2nd, 2012 by Amelia

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and found no faults in your appearance?  In fact, have you ever looked in the mirror and been totally satisfied? Like so many women (and probably men, let’s not be sexist), I have spent my entire post-pubescent (and the majority of the pre-pubescent days, too) […]

Superfoods for Beauty and Wellness

Posted on: July 26th, 2012 by Amelia

What are Superfoods? Superfoods are foods that are determined to have a high nutritional value.  Generally they are thought to bestow a specific health benefit when we eat them. Sometimes I think too much about what I shouldn’t eat and not enough about what I should eat.  Recently I realized that I need to put […]