Posts Tagged ‘yoga challenge’

#MermaidYogis Day 30 Legs Up the Wall

#MermaidYogis Day 30 Legs Up the Wall

Posted on: August 29th, 2015 by Amelia

There may be no better cure for whatever ails you than this pose: Viparita Karani, or Legs Up the Wall. This gentle inversion is amazing for reducing anxiety, low back pain, PMS symptoms, headache, or aching feet. Yogic scriptures also say it will reduce wrinkles, make you look younger, and calm the mind. Sign me […]

#MermaidYogis Day 29 Reclined Bound Angle

#MermaidYogis Day 29 Reclined Bound Angle

Posted on: August 28th, 2015 by Amelia

Ahhhh, we’ve made it! Day 29 of #MermaidYogis is the beautifully restorative reclined bound angle, or supta baddha konasana in sanskrit. This passive hip opener is an awesome way to relax and rest. If you have tight hips, grab two blocks or pillows to place under your knees for support. If you’d like to add […]

#MermaidYogis Day 28 Stag Leg Inversion

#MermaidYogis Day 28 Stag Leg Inversion

Posted on: August 27th, 2015 by Amelia

For the last active inversion of the #MermaidYogis challenge, we invite you to take any stag leg variation of your inversion of choice! You can explore this fun leg variation in headstand, forearm stand, or handstand. Stag legs refers to bending the knees while upside down. It’s fun to make pretty shapes, and can be […]

#MermaidYogis Day 27 Handstand

#MermaidYogis Day 27 Handstand

Posted on: August 26th, 2015 by Amelia

Oh handstand, you and I have a fickle relationship. Some days we get along, some days we don’t. I’m learning to accept it as it comes, and not try to force you to be here when you don’t want to be. If handstand is nowhere in sight for you, please feel free to modify with […]

#MermaidYogis Day 26 Handstand Prep

#MermaidYogis Day 26 Handstand Prep

Posted on: August 25th, 2015 by Amelia

Ready to work towards handstand? Yes? Great! Today’s pose, handstand prep with the wall, will help us build strength in the upper body and find the core engagement we need to stay up in a handstand. Not ready at all? That’s ok too! Feel free to flip this pose upside down, and take a seated […]

#MermaidYogis Day 25 Forearm Stand

#MermaidYogis Day 25 Forearm Stand

Posted on: August 24th, 2015 by Amelia

Don’t be intimidated by this inversion! We’ve got lots of options if getting all the way upside down isn’t in your practice yet. Day 25 of #MermaidYogis is forearm stand, but feel free to modify with headstand, headstand prep, dolphin pose or child’s pose depending on your body’s needs today.   Forearm Stand If this […]

#MermaidYogis Day 24 Wide Leg Seated Forward Fold

#MermaidYogis Day 24 Wide Leg Seated Forward Fold

Posted on: August 24th, 2015 by Amelia

We are headed into the last week of the #MermaidYogis challenge, and it’s time to start getting upside down! One of the most important preparations for inversions is stretching the hamstrings, which can be done quite nicely with a wide leg forward fold, called Upavistha Konasana in Sanskrit.   Wide Leg Seated Forward Fold Sit down […]

#MermaidYogis Day 23 Wheel Pose

#MermaidYogis Day 23 Wheel Pose

Posted on: August 24th, 2015 by Amelia

Hello, heart opener! Wheel pose is one of my very favorite postures, but it can be quite challenging for those with tight shoulders and less flexibility in the back. If this feels more intense than good, feel free to modify with bridge pose.   Wheel Pose: Begin laying on your back, knees bent, heels close […]


#MermaidYogis Day 22: Boat Pose

Posted on: August 21st, 2015 by Amelia

Boat Pose, or Navasana in sanskrit, is a great counter pose for backbends. In Ashtanga primary series, five rounds of boat pose interspersed with mula bandha check ups, jump backs, and handstands are used to train the core and build strength before accessing the deep backbend that is full wheel (chakrasana or urdhva dhanurasana in […]

#MermaidYogis Day 21 Camel Pose

#MermaidYogis Day 21 Camel Pose

Posted on: August 20th, 2015 by Amelia

  Camel Pose is one of my favorite backbends. When you’re first starting out, it can be quite intense, so read on below for a few ways to modify until you’re ready for the full expression. The most important things to remember in camel pose are to keep your hips over your knees and think […]